Home Automation Electrical Wiring Trainer (MI-ET101)
MI-ET101 Home Automation Electrical Wiring Trainer It is the basic training course tutor in electrical technology. The training system consists of various electrical components used in home automation and wiring technology. Provision to interconnect individual component with safe terminals on facia. Consists variety of Electrical Safety protection devices and up to moderate Video Door Phone and Interphone devices.
- Demo of various tones/ functions like Dial, busy, ring tones & functions like Trunk dial, Redial, call receive, call pickup, call hold, call forward, call forward cancel, Automatic call back, call conference, call Transfer, Barge in & direct trunk access etc. 230VAC, 50VA mains operation
- Shock proof safety Banana Terminals & patch cords for inter connections & operations
- MS fabricated powder painted control panel
- Poly carbonate/Venyl front facia with precision machined back support
- Study of various functional blocks.
- Study of Connecting Energy meter and MCB and test supply.
- Study of Connecting a switch with socket and bulb.
- Study of Two bulb control by a switch.
- Study of Series & Parallel connection.
- Study of Fixing of tube Light and Finding fault in tube light.
- Study of Two light control by two switches.
- Study of Fan control by regulator through switch.
- Study of Bulb control by Two way switch.
- Study of Corridor lighting.
- Study of Electric board and finding fault.
- Study of 1BHK & 2BHK wiring.