Antenna Trainer with 22 Antennas (MI-AT22)
An antenna is a device that is used to convert guided electromagnetic waves into electrical signals and vice versa (i.e. either in transmitting mode or in receiving mode of operation). Mine Antenna Trainer MI-AT22 is a bench-top antenna system design to demonstrate all concepts of an antenna operations. Student can learn easily about various type of antenna operation with their polar plot. This system comes with a motorized antenna unit to record radiation pattern automatically of any antenna mounted on it.
• Study of Polar Plots and Polarization.
• Study of wave modulation and demodulation.
• Study of Antenna Gain.
• Study of Antenna beam width.
• Study of matching Stub.
• Study of SWR measurement.
• Study of Antenna radiation and distance.
• Plotting the Polar graph/ radiation pattern of an Antenna using software